Law Of Attraction and Manifestation Techniques:
What is The Law of Attraction and Why Should You Practice It?
Law of Attraction. You may have heard of it, or maybe you haven’t. Either way, today you will find out why you need to be practicing it in pretty much all areas of your life.
I found out about the Law of Attraction from YouTube, and ever since, I’ve been obsessed with learning more about it and trying out different techniques of manifesting.
I’m getting ahead of myself. Let’s first dive into what the Law of Attraction really is.
The Law of Attraction is simple. It is the concept that like attracts like.
If you think positive thoughts, you will have positive experiences.
If you think negative thoughts, you will have negative experiences.
Your mindset plays a HUGE role in what you manifest into your life, and it is all because of the concept that like attracts like. Because really, whether you think you can or you can’t, you’re right.
Think about it. The energy that you put out into the universe is the energy that you are getting back. You know those people who are always miserable and complaining? Why do you think they’re always complaining?
It’s because they’re attracting more things to complain about. Negative Nancys are a product of their own mindset. Kind of sad, no?
If you’ve been a Negative Nancy, not to worry. Today that will change, because you are going to learn all about the Law of Attraction and manifesting things into your life which you deserve: a better job, a new car, a loving partner or anything else you might want.
And if you are reading this and thinking to yourself that this is a load of garbage and doesn’t work, do me two favors.
If you’ve been a Negative Nancy, not to worry. Today that will change, because you are going to learn all about the Law of Attraction and manifesting things into your life which you deserve: a better job, a new car, a loving partner or anything else you might want.
And if you are reading this and thinking to yourself that this is a load of garbage and doesn’t work, do me two favors.
Ready to find out how to become a super attractor using the Law of Attraction and manifestation? Read on.
How To Start With The Law of Attraction and Manifestation?
Here I will be introducing you to 7 manifestation techniques to start practicing the Law of Attraction.
You don’t have to start practicing them all at once. You might get overwhelmed and quit, and that’s definitely not what we want.
Instead, focus on one at a time, and you will become a super attractor in no time.
And please, above all, keep an open mind. This will most likely not work if you show resistance. Remember, it starts with your mindset, so try to keep it positive.
It is also important to keep in mind that your manifestations won’t work unless you do.
You can’t expect good things to fall into your lap if you sit on the couch all day. There’s no way you can get your dream home without inspired action. Keep that in mind while reading. Enjoy!
One of the easiest things you can do when starting out with the Law of Attraction is expressing gratitude.
Now the trick to doing this correctly is to be actually grateful for things you already have in your life. Even if you hate them. You may hate them now, but all that does is it blocks good things from coming to you.
Let’s say for instance you hate your job. But for the Law of Attraction to work on getting you a better job, you must first show that you are grateful for this one.
How do you do this even if you hate it? Easy. Be thankful that you have a job in the first place. Be thankful that you get to pay your bills because of the job you have. Be grateful that you get to live in a safe space because of this job.
You can’t expect the universe to get you to bigger and better places if you’re not grateful for what you already have.
You don’t have to journal if you don’t want to, but it does help. Something about putting pen to paper, especially when you are feeling positive emotions and emitting high vibrations is amazing for manifesting.
Showing gratitude for the things you have in life will not only work on manifesting better and bigger things, it will also make you feel amazing and will help with shifting your mindset to positivity.
Vision boards
A really cool visual manifesting technique is using vision boards. Not only are they an amazing tool for manifestation, they are also really fun to make.
A vision board is simply a collection of images and quotes that inspire you. If you remember collages, it is something along those lines. The only difference is that on your vision board you will put things you want to manifest.
Your vision board can be digital or physical, whichever you prefer. I personally like to create a digital one and keep it as a wallpaper on my phone and/or laptop.
The key to vision boards is to have it around you at all times or somewhere where you’ll look at it every day.
You’ll want it around you every day because when you look at it over and over again, those images get programmed into your subconscious mind where the manifesting truly happens.
I’ve made a vision board at the beginning of the year and I have already manifested multiple things on it, so I know they work.
You can put any images you want on your vision board- a butterfly, a coin on the ground, a quote about entrepreneurship, an amount of money you want to manifest, a model of a car you’d love to own, a particular house you want to live in, literally anything.
Of course, some of the bigger things might take longer to manifest. A few months or a few years. And that’s okay. Time is irrelevant in the Law of Attraction.
The whole beauty of it is that we don’t know when we will get those blessings. All we know is that after we ask for them and take inspired action to get them, they will be on their way to us.
So don’t lose hope! I still haven’t manifested that Range Rover on my vision board, but I know it’s coming to me. 😌
Scripting is one of my favorite manifestation techniques, and I think you will see why once you read about it.
Remember how I mentioned earlier that putting pen to paper is amazing for manifesting your desires? Well, that’s the whole point behind scripting.
Scripting just means writing about the things you want to manifest. But there is a correct way to do it, and a wrong way to do it.
The wrong way would be to write: I am going to be very rich one day.
Can you guess what the right way is?
It is writing it in the present tense, as if you are already living it.
In addition to writing it as if it is already yours, adding feelings to your scripting will help you manifest much faster.
Let me give you an example of scripting using a dream apartment. This isn’t actually my dream home so it might sound a little awkward, but you’ll get the idea!
“I am so grateful to get to wake up in my dream apartment. I just love opening my eyes to the sun shining in from beyond the skyline and seeing the skyscrapers draped in the morning sun. I have always wanted floor to ceiling windows and the ones in my apartment are beyond what I could have dreamed of. I am so grateful to have an amazing gym in my building which allows me to work on my health. This apartment is so much more than I could have wished for and I am so happy that it’s mine.”
By writing what you want to manifest in the present tense you are telling the universe that you are waiting for those blessings to come.
You are expecting them because you know they’re on their way to you.
I read something interesting about the Law of Attraction when I first started learning about it that explains this further.
Our brains don’t know the difference between something that’s happened and something that hasn’t yet. So you telling yourself that you’re so grateful for your new car or new house tells your brain that this has actually already happened for you. Cool, right?
Act as if
Similarly to scripting, you can also try the “act as if” manifesting technique.
It is the same concept, but you can do this at any time of the day and without a notebook to write on.
Acting as if literally means acting as if you have already gotten what you want to manifest.
Let’s break this down with a few examples.
Say you’re driving a Honda and would like to soon trade it in for your dream Range Rover that is on your vision board.
How can you act as if you have a better car than the one you already drive?
Well, surely you’d take more care of a more expensive car. You’d drive carefully with it. You’d take it to its oil changes on time. You’d keep it clean and polished at all times.
That is how you should act with your Honda right now. Treat your current car as if it is your dream car. Be grateful that you have this great car which can get you from place to place safely. Take good care of it.
By doing these things, you are showing the universe that you are worthy of getting something better, because you take care of your current blessings.
Let me give you another example.
Say what you are manifesting is a bigger paycheck than what you currently have.
If you had X amount of money in your bank every month, you’d buy whatever you’d want, right? Well then act like it with your current bank account.
I’m not saying go out and buy expensive things and get yourself in debt. What you should instead do when you see something expensive is simply think “I can afford that. That’s affordable to me. I have more than enough money in my bank account to buy two if I wanted”.
It all comes down to how you talk to yourself and the thoughts you are emitting. If they are full of lack, you will not get anything other than lack.
But if you show the universe that you’re abundant, abundance is what you will get.
One of my favorite methods of manifestation is by using positive affirmations.
Telling yourself positive affirmations allows you to be on a high vibe and in a positive mindset. This helps with manifestation because, as I mentioned before, you have to keep yourself positive.
You have to keep your thoughts positive. When you are positive you will attract more positivity into your life.
Telling yourself things like “I am ugly. I am fat. I don’t have money. I hate my job.”, are all negative statements. Your brain hears negativity. The universe hears negativity.
The way the universe perceives your negative self talk is in a way that if you talk about you being miserable so much, if you talk about being ugly so much, then you must enjoy those things.
Isn’t that sad? Just by thinking all of that nonsense, you are telling the universe that you’re fine with those things. Or else why would you always be talking about them?
Doesn’t it make all the sense in the world when you think about it that way?
Instead of constantly talking about yourself and your life in a negative light, try some positive affirmations. You might feel like the world’s biggest fool when you first start them but soon enough you will love them.
And yes, those have to be repeated in the present tense as well.
Visualization plays a huge part in manifesting our desires, and is definitely a good technique to try and master.
Remember when we talked about having a vision board and why it is good to keep images of what we want to manifest near us?
The same applies of visualization. When we visualize things in our mind we are telling our brain and the universe what we are manifesting and what we are ready to receive.
Imagery plays a huge role in the law of attraction and that is why love visualization so much.
Visualization can be a little bit hard if you don’t know exactly what you want but there are ways to make it easier.
The first thing you need to do is you need to be clear on what it is that you want to manifest.
If you are manifesting a stable, loving, trustworthy relationship for example, then you need to visualize yourself in that relationship.
Close your eyes and visualize yourself waking up next to the person that you are going to spend the rest of your life with. Visualize your day together. Visualize what you are going to be doing together. Visualize and see in your mind how you are going to treat each other.
I have not yet mastered visualization, but I have read and watched a lot of stories about people who have manifested things like the same exact houses that they have been visualizing in their mind for years and the same amount of money in their bank accounts as they saw in their visualizations.
If you are a visual person, you will definitely master this manifestation method in no time.
Last but not least, I would suggest meditating. Meditating allows you to combine a few over manifestation techniques into one.
Meditation is great for many, many reasons but it can also be used in the Law of Attraction when you are trying to manifest something into your reality.
For this, I would suggest guided meditations. Guided meditations can work to focus on a specific thing that you want to manifest.
For example, if you are manifesting money and wealth into your life, there are many guided meditations you can find that will talk you through visualizing the money coming into your life, as well a give you affirmations to repeat during the meditation.
This helps a lot if you don’t really know how to visualize yet or if you don’t know what affirmations can be good for what you are manifesting.
You can just listen to the audio and visualize what they’re asking you to visualize as well as repeat the affirmations that they are asking you to repeat.
Some more resources on the Law of Attraction
If this post peaked your interest into the Law of Attraction and you’d like to learn more about it, here are a few books I have read which helped me with my own research of manifesting and the Law of Attraction.
- The Secret
- The Universe Has Your Back
- Practical Law of Attraction
- Ask And It Is Given
I hope you enjoyed this post on the Law of Attraction and all the different manifesting techniques I’ve outlined here!
If you’re new to it, I hope you give it a try. And if you have any success stories with the Law of Attraction, I’d love it if you could leave your story in the comments.